Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The weirdest job!

A few days ago I was thinking about what I am doing, and how abnormal it is. How many people go to another country for a year, play with kids all day, get cover in soot, and never have a day off? Not many, and I am lucky to be one of those few. A friend and I were just talking the other day about, that if we weren't Christians, we would totally be having a nervous breakdown. Life over here is full of surprises and a never ending list of things we have to do. And we take it as God gives it to us, accepting it as His will, and trusting that He will help us with the problem. Because we know that He will not give us anything that is too hard for us to do. If I did not have that hope, I don't think I would be here anymore. There is so much happening that it gets stressful at times, but I have a strength not many people have. Without it, I would have a miserable life, because I would have no hope, and no strength. So I love being a Christian!

My week so far has gone great. The teachers are fewer, because a couple went back home. Other than that we have been doing well. Of course we miss them tons, but we have stepped up, and started to pick up where they left.

The team this week is great. I have 10 boys and 3 girls. Two of the boys are taller than me, so that takes a little getting used to=) But one of the boys, Frank is a Christian, and I think that is awesome. I really want to develop close relationships with my students this week, so I would ask you to pray that I could do just that.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Ede you inspire me. Yes Christ is wonderful.
Love Dad