Thursday, July 5, 2007


Well here I am, finally in Taiwan. When I first arrived I had a cold, but I must say I feel SO much better. Thank you to all those that were praying for me to get better. Today we are going to start doing some prep work for the Camps. The first one starts tomorrow, followed by two more. I do not really know the schedule, nor do I really know how we are going to do the camps. I guess I will learn that in time to come.
Anyway, I've really just been trying to get some rest. Since I was really tired.
I found out there is a chance I might end up doing TESOL, instead of the English Village. There are like three openings and they have not decided who will go and do the TESOL. I know God will place me where He wants me, so I am not worried about this. I really feel like I have nothing to say, except that I got here safe and there will be another post soon. Once I have done something which I can write about.

1 comment:

Ken said...

God will place you where He wants you. Just serve Him with your whole heart and He will lead.

Love Dad