Monday, March 3, 2008

"The guilt makes us sharper"

What do you do when you come to a point where you realized you did everything wrong. What you tried to do to make things right did not work. You thought things were fine, but they were the opposite. You knew there were problems, but you thought they were small. But, in one second you realize, they are bigger than you thought, and you are a problem.

You tried and failed…is it even worth it to continue? What were you doing wrong? Why could you have not done the right thing? Is there anyone you can talk to? Why am I so selfish as to not have realized the matter more fully?

The questions can’t stop coming. Your heart is heavy, yours eyes cloudy, fingers shaky, and your mind is racing.

The tears fall. The matter is clearer. You’ve realized the stakes…and right now have made a decision. It has either been to continue in the old way, or to start afresh.

The former will lead you down the path of shame and a life unfulfilled. The later will be hard, but will bring the satisfaction of knowing that you at least gave it your all and tried.

As a wise person once said “The guilt makes us sharper.” So it applies to all our lives. We realize our wrong. Strive to move on. And know where not to make that same mistake again.

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