Thursday, September 20, 2007

A long time later...she writes a post.

Sorry that I have not been keeping up on this blog as I should be. But, I will try to keep it up. Other then exploring death mountain, guy's hoodies, strange mountain men, neat jane austen hairdos, surprise teaching opportunities(with a 5 second thought of a lesson plan), running around Taipei with voice students, and spending time with friends; I have not been too busy:)
My school is going great. I am able to spend a lot of time with Mary, a nurse at the school, she is very interested in what I am doing, and has looked up at everything that she possibly could on the Internet. The English teacher's name is Jessie, she is very kind and trys to help me in every way she can. The principle hardly knows English, but she can say my name:) My driver can speak little, I plan to find out how much later.
We have started working with YWAM, they are doing a lot of stuff with the community. Like the English cafe, where they take in people, have coffee or tea, and do English lessons. They have a boy's home ministry, abused women and children shelter, and they do hospital visitation. I plan to try and help out in every thing I can. This would basically fill up my time in the afternoon, right after my teaching time. Another answer to prayer, of how to fill up this time.
On Saturday I plan to go to Hualien for vacation. There we will celebrate the moon festival and meet some of the other TESOL teachers. I'll fill you guy's on the detail later.

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