Saturday, June 9, 2007

I'm being nonsensical

Well, I'm sitting here learning how to do a blog. It's not as hard as I expected, but I am now being forced to sit here and write something. How fun!
As many of you know the purpose of the blog is just to let you know whats going on in my life. And since I'm going to Taiwan, for a year long, I should have a lot to write about. My support letter for the CI trip should be coming soon. And I hope you enjoy it, this one is a little longer and more detailed than my last support letter.
Right now life seems to be very busy, I'm trying to finish all the things I have to do before I go in less than a month. Every day seems to be crammed pack of stuff I need to do, and things still seem to pile up. Hopefully some of it will die down once I'm over there.Haha! Oh, and hopefully I will be able to write better posts in the future for your sakes!

1 comment:

Joe said...

Well... for being forced to post... It's a good start! Hope you have fun doing it... all of us look forward to seeing the very very frequent updates you plan on making.... at least once a day right!!!!! =) J/K...have fun with it!