Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Long Time...

First I want to say sorry for waiting so long to post:) But, I think after I tell you what has been going on lately, you will forgive me.
About a month ago I came down with a cold, it was really bad...thankfully it lasted only a couple days. A week later I came down with a fever, and was in bed for like a week. I saw a Doctor after most of the sickness was gone. She said it was in my head, and gave me some Tylenol. Some days later I got a really bad cough, and I thought it was Bronchitis. This time I was sent to the hospital, and had a better Doctor.
It appears like I might have pneumonia. It's not at a really bad stage, but it could get worse. So I am writing to ask for prayer. I really want to get better, to work, and spend time with people. It gets lonely, but I have the most awesome friends, who are taking good care of me. I really don't want to get worse, so please pray! I love all of you! And of course I miss you guys!