Monday, October 15, 2007


Today after one of my classes, a little girl handed me a white seashell. I smiled and told her thank you. Then, looking on the seashell, my mind wandered off to some random thoughts. Holding the seashell, I thought of the little crab that used to live in it. All through it's life he gets bigger and has to move to another shell. He keeps doing this until he draws his last breath. Imagine having to find another shell, a bigger better one, and hoping that the shell has no one in it when he gets there. He has to struggle to get to that new shell, it's not easy, but very hard. And if he does not get there successfully, he will end up dieing.

I was thinking also, that we also have to move to new stages of our lives. We have to move out of the place where God has us, and go to the new one He has given us. As we grow in Him we have to keep moving and doing the things He has called us to. If we stay in our comfort zone, and never leave the thing that we already have worked with and done, when God says it's time to go; then we will just die like that crab, and never go anywhere or do anything. Life is not easy sometimes, and it's hard to know where the new shell God has for us is, but He will show us. We just have to be willing. God is showing me this over and over. I just have to continue to grow, follow Him, and wait for Him to show me where the next place He has for me is. This is hard for me most of the time, but we were never called to an easy life. It's a daily battle that I face, one that requires self denial and sacrifice. Sometimes I think I will never make it, but at those times my Father just picks me up and sets me on my feet, with the urging to keep going on. Praise God that He never gives up on us, and when we can't go on, He is there to help and guide us!